TnM Chapter 47

Hisashiburi, mina.

To skip the boring stuff and go straight to the chapter: Read c47

I’ve been preoccupied with work, and so TnM and you dear readers have suffered because of that. Let this post mark a significant but quiet turning point for the series. Allow me to elaborate.

I think setting a concrete schedule for this project is not good for how my mind works. It burnt me out. This time around I’m going to go slow and steady- because that’s what wins the race, right?

Read chapter 47 now.

Stay update via twitter

More TnM is in the pipeline. I’m sorry for the delay, I have no excuses, but I wanted to let everyone know that the project is still very much alive. For more frequent updates on chapter progress follow me on twitter.

TnM Chapter 46

Hi everyone, it’s been a while and I want to release another chapter from the stockpile to tide you all over, as well as give you a bit of an update on what’s been going on with me. You can read chapter 46 here.

So, since I moved to the new flat the release rate has dropped considerably, and I want to apologise for that- especially to my Patrons. I’ve started a new job, and it’s been taking up a lot of my time learning the ropes etc, which is why I’ve had less time to put towards TnM. However, the whole point of the Patreon is to make it more viable for me to dedicate my time to TnM, and so going forwards I want to commit to a 2 chapter-a-week release pattern. I feel that announcing it here will give that commitment a bit more weight, since I’m pledging that directly to you guys.

*For my patrons, I will be adding any extra chapters I manage to translate to the stockpile. Let’s see if we can get it to a healthy 5 or 6 by the end of the month.

So, in short, everyone can expect more TnM in the coming days and weeks, and beyond. Thank you to everyone who reads and appreciates my translations, it means a lot!

Take care guys. I’ll be checking in again real soon.


TnM Chapter 45

Hey guys. I bid you a good afternoon from a sunny South West England. I hope you’re all doing well. Lock down restrictions have been further eased here, and yesterday was something the media called “Super Saturday”. I even managed to get myself a long overdue haircut.

But enough of that, here’s another chapter of Tou no Madoushi for you all: Chapter 45

P.S. To my patrons I want to extend a big thank you for being patient with me, especially to the founders- I’ll replenish the stockpile as soon as I can. That last chapter was such a tease, the way it ended!

TnM Chapter 42

Hi guys. Sorry for the long wait. So a quick life update; I moved on Saturday, and my girlfriend and I have been busy decorating and assembling flat pack furniture (oh, the joy). This was the second time we’ve moved in just a 3 month period, so we’re definitely not planning on moving a third time anytime soon!

Because things have been so up in the air as of late- and will be for another week, most likely- I’m releasing a chapter from the stockpile. I hope this tides you all over and satiates your TnM thirst. I’m itching to get back to translating soon, and I’ll be sure to replenish the chapter for my patrons.

Speaking of my patrons, can I just take a moment to give you guys a big shout out. Thank you so much for your support, it really means the world to me.

So without further ado, here is chapter 42. Enjoy~

TnM Chapter 41

Evening dear readers. So it’s been a little bit of a longer wait this time, but hopefully that only makes a bit of TnM that much more of a mouth watering indulgence! You can read chapter 41 here, if you don’t want to read about recent developments.

So what’s happening is that I’m moving, for the second time in less than 3 months, and so everything’s been a bit hectic lately. I’ve been boxing up all my possessions, measuring the next flat, shopping for furniture (the new place is unfurnished, which breaks my heart- and my wallet).

I’m hoping things will settle down from next week though, then I should be able to get back to a more normal release schedule.

To get back to a more interesting topic, however, can I just say that I’m really enjoying Illia’s character, and what she brings to the table personality wise. She’s so sweet, and I think she has the potential to really make some waves in the story. What do you all think of her?

I’d also like to thank you all for your continued readership and support, which has been a bright spot in an otherwise stressful landscape, in terms of my life, as of late. Having a big translation project, which brings people even a little bit of entertainment (and possibly a way to escape the isolating, confining themes of lock down life many of us are experiencing) has been a grounding mechanism for me. But anyways, without further ado, please enjoy the chapter!

Read chapter 41.

Happy reading~


TnM Chapter 40

Hey guys, how’s life treating you all? I’m about to enjoy a drink and a film- more specifically, the pursuit of happiness. I’ve already seen it once, years ago, but I reckon it’s been long enough that I can watch it again and get something new out of it. At the very least, I’ve forgotten most of the plot, so yeah, should be enjoyable. Anyways, without further-ado, here is chapter 40.

Be safe out there guys,
